Our theme this month is Honoring Service. Throughout November, we will be featuring stories about different ways to serve. There are countless ways to serve — your country, your community, your family. Today we are featuring Maddie, a current Service Member of the US Military.
Let me first start by saying that I don’t identify or claim to be a “Veteran.” Instead, I am a current Service Member with 5 years of service.
I joined the Army ROTC program at the University of Arkansas in August of 2012. I contracted shortly after and commissioned in May 2017. With a strong family history in the US Military (primarily US Air Force), I knew that I always wanted to join. The Army just happened to offer me a lot more money, which was a critical piece in the decision process as a seemingly poor high school student.
I branched Quartermaster and joined a bulk fuel unit as a Platoon Leader in May 2017. We moved from Fayetteville, AR to Utah to be close to my unit in Provo. I spent two years as a PL and then progressed to the XO (Executive Officer) and quickly took command in May 2021.
If you ask me about my military experience over the last 10 years, it has felt long but has flown by at the same time. The days are extremely long, especially in Command, but the years are short. I’ve met truly incredible people along the way, and have experienced things that I otherwise would not have. I’ve been able to train with people all over the world in all different capacities.
I’m especially grateful for the Qualtrics hiring committee, which saw my military experience as an addition to my professional experience and offered me a job in March of 2019. It’s been almost four years since, and one of my favorite things about working here to this day has been the opportunity to be involved with Qualtrics Veterans Group and all the networking within. I feel imposter syndrome deeply when comparing my limited US Army Reserve experience to other badass veterans and Service Members in the company, but I'm so thankful that I’m now mentored by some of the best because of our shared experiences.