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Hacking the Employment Experience

Navigating a career - whether it's for your first or your tenth job -  can be hard to do alone. Many times we try to find mentors, peers, friends, or family that can help us find and pursue a specific direction, but aren't able to find someone who completely understands our unique experiences. So, we've started to gather stories and advice from people across the Qualtrics team, in hopes of supporting your employment experience - wherever that may take you.

From Q Salute

Moving from a military career into a civilian one, or balancing a civilian career with the Reserves and Guards, can bring a unique set of challenges. Sometimes you just need someone who has been in your shoes to help you through that experience. So we asked, and QSalute stepped up! Check out some of their contributions, and stay tuned for more!


Military Life in the Tech Lane: Being a Reservist or in the Guards With a Tech Career

Managing After the Military: Tips for Leadership and Management as a Civilian

Changing Careers: Tips for Moving from the Military to a Career in the Civilian World

Women's Leadership Development

The Women's Leadership Development group has a wide range of interests. They've shared their insights into career progression, advice, and career stories in a number of places including the Qualtrics Life blog. Take a look at some of the top articles from the group.

Life Is Too Short To Be Drained By Your Job — How I Found a Role That Truly Motivates Me - Hosted on Fairygodboss

From Our Recruiters

Sometimes it's great to get the perspective of people who spend their days seeking out talented people and discussing careers.

Here’s How I’ve Maintained a Successful Career at Qualtrics

Stay tuned for continued updates. You can also explore the Why Qualtrics series, where Qualtricians have shared stories of their careers, and you can discover a more in-depth look at how they have gotten to specific points in their careers.

Topics Career Advice

Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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