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カスタマーサクセスディレクター | 石本 夏美

日本で生まれ育った私ですが、小さな海外輸入会社を立ち上げた両親は子供に英語ができるようになって欲しいという強い願望から、当時は知られていなかったインターナショナルスクールを見つけ、私と兄を小学校から高校卒業まで通わせてくれました。当時私が通った聖心インターナショナルスクールは70カ国を超える国籍の生徒が在籍しており、多様性を当たり前のように認め合う環境の中で、非常に恵まれた楽しい学校生活を送ることができました。それから米国の大学に進学し、帰国後は日系大手総合商社、その後外資系大手コンサルティング会社にて米国本社で5年、日本支社では 10 年働きましたが、クアルトリクスはそのインターナショナルスクールの環境に最も近いと感じます。それぞれの役割、バックグラウンドや働き方も違うけど、同じ目標に対してみんなで協力し合えるクアルトリクスのグローバルな環境が、私は大好きです。


LinkedInでこの「Why Qualtrics」の記事をたくさん見つけて読んだからです。実は日本語版を書くのは私が初なのですが、、世界中の多くのクアルトリクス社員が自らこの記事を書いています。2人の息子を持つワーキングマザーなのである私は、前職ではダイバーシティや採用活動の宣伝の為にインタビューを受けることが多かったのですが、全て業者が書き下ろしを担当していました。自ら時間をかけ、自分のクアルトリクスの経験を記事にしている従業員のエンゲージメントの高さに、驚きと関心を得ました。


私のコロンビア大学院の修士論文は「Experiential Learning」「体験学習」についてだったのですが、人間って体験によって変われるんです。どのような体験を与えるかで人への影響度が変わるんだとしたら、クアルトリクスは、まさにそれをデータで証明して、より良い体験を実現する為に存在する会社です。


One Teamの文化です。クアルトリクスの TACOS文化 は驚くほど会社に浸透しています。例えば、お客様を支援する私のカスタマー サクセスチームでは「One teamで頑張ろう」とか「One teamで乗り切ろう」と、別々の組織に所属するメンバーがアカウント チームとして集結し、声を掛け合っています。ロジカルなお客様のサポートプロセスや、組織上の役割分担があることも大事ですが、それだけでは対応できないことも多くあるのが現実です。その時に底力を発揮できるかは強い企業文化に掛かっているのだと、肌で学ぶことができました。



クアルトリクスの Chief People Officer の Julia Anas は本当に素敵な女性で、私と同じ年頃のお子さんが2人いらっしゃいます。最近彼女から教えてもらった「今日の悪かった出来事と良かった出来事」を話し合う遊びを、7 歳と 10 歳の息子たちと寝る前に必ずやるようになりました。たった 15 分の時間でも、子供たちの学校での様子が前よりも分かるようになり、子供たちも私の仕事について興味を持ってくれるようになりました。時には「ママ、あのメガネをかけたお客さんからまた怒られてない?」と心配もしてくれます(笑)。どうしても時には仕事が忙しくなり、家族と一緒にいられる時間が少なくなってしまいます。でも、こんな風にたった 15 分だけでも質が高い時間を毎日過ごせることで、心の繋がりを感じることができるようになりました。ぜひ、お試しあれ!

I was born and raised in Japan, but my parents, who started a small overseas import company, founded an international school that was unknown at the time because of their strong desire for their children to be able to speak English. They let me go from elementary school to high school graduation. The Sacred Heart International School I attended at that time enrolled students from more than 70 countries, and I was able to live a very blessed and enjoyable school life in an environment where diversity was taken for granted. After that, I went to a university in the United States. After returning to Japan, I worked for a major Japanese general trading company, then a major foreign-affiliated consulting company for 5 years at the US headquarters and 10 years at the Japanese branch office. I feel that Qualtrics resembles the environment that I had at the International School. Although each person’s role, background, and way of working are different, everyone is working together towards the same goals and that is why I love Qualtrics so much.

What was the turning point where you knew you 'had to have the job' at Qualtrics?

I found and read a lot of these "Why Qualtrics" articles on LinkedIn. Actually, while I am the first to write a Japanese version, many other Qualtrics employees around the world have written their stories as well. As a working mother with two sons, in my previous job I was often interviewed to promote diversity and recruitment activities, but all of them were written by the vendor. I was surprised and interested in the high level of engagement of the employees who personally took the time to write about their Qualtrics experience.

What attracted you to Qualtrics in the first place?

My master's thesis at Columbia University was about "Experiential Learning" - human beings' ability to learn and change based on their experience. If the degree of influence on people changes depending on what kind of experience you give, Qualtrics is a company that exists to prove it with data and realize a better experience.

What has surprised you most about working at Qualtrics?

One Team culture. Qualtrics' TACOS culture is surprisingly pervasive in the company. I often see members from different teams come together as an account team and saying, "Let's get through this customer issue as One Team". It is important to have a logical customer support process and organizational division of roles, but the reality is that there are challenges that go beyond that. That is when I was able to experience first hand that strong corporate culture is needed to step up and demonstrate its strength.

Any tips for someone who is considering a role at Qualtrics? Or advice for someone looking to get into a career like yours? Tips for someone in general?

As a working mother, I feel that I was told by various people including my family about how I should be as a working mother such as, “you should do XXX for your child", or " you won’t be successful in this demanding role." Although I used to feel guilty or felt like giving up, I learned that that is what others think and what matters is what I want to do.

Julia Anas, Chief People Officer of Qualtrics, is such a great role model and has two children around the same age as me. Before going to bed with my 7- and 10-year-old sons, I started playing "the highs and lows of the day” that she recently shared. In just 15 minutes, I became more aware of what my children were doing at school and they too became more interested in my work. Now sometimes my older son asks me, "Mom, is that customer with glasses angry again?" (Laughs). At times my work keeps me busy and I have little time to spend with my family. However, spending quality time every day for just 15 minutes like this has made me feel connected to my children . Please try it out!

Qualtrics is growing, and if you're ready to find your "why" at a place like this, you can explore our open opportunities at any time by visiting our career page or by joining our talent community.

Natsumi is an alumnus of Tufts University and Columbia University.


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Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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