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Why Qualtrics

Building XM Solutions & Careers: Software Engineering in Krakow

In my career, I like to focus on solving problems with other people and help them grow and develop. That's why some time ago I chose the role of an engineering manager.

When I joined Qualtrics there was an opportunity to start a brand new development team here in Krakow that would help shape mobile development strategy in Qualtrics. The role had a great balance between what I already knew - mobile development, people leadership - and what I wanted to experience - fast-paced growth of an office in Krakow and mentorship of leadership in Qualtrics.

What attracted you to Qualtrics in the first place?

When I was approached by the recruiter back at the end of 2016, I knew nothing about Qualtrics. They were just some company from the USA that wanted to talk. But I decided to invest some time and spent some time talking and getting to know them - after all they were interested in opening an office here. It turned out to be the best investment in my career. This is a company I was always looking for: great engineering culture, fast-growing, successful, committed to their values and - the most important - hiring great people. After every conversation, I was amazed by the skills, transparency, and mindset of every employee and interviewer I encountered.

What does your day look like?

Being an engineering manager in Qualtrics is very demanding. There are two main aspects of my role: working with teams to deliver great, valuable products, and making sure engineers in those teams are developing their skills and are successful. That means my days are filled with different activities, starting with meetings with stakeholders and other engineering managers to ensure our roadmap is clear and known through to meeting with teams and helping to remove their blockers as well as having 1:1s with each and every member of my team to discuss their role, answer questions, and help progress their career.

Artur Staszczyk - Manager, Software Engineering - Krakow, Poland

Any tips for someone who is considering a role at Qualtrics?

The interview is not easy. Make sure you are prepared (i.e. practice some coding exercises), and during the interview be transparent and honest. One of our interview meetings focuses on personal priorities - this is about your motivation, mindset, career expectations, etc. Understanding those priorities is a very important part of our process.

What surprised you most about working at Qualtrics?

The level of autonomy each engineering team has. It starts with choosing the tech stack - nobody will take this responsibility for you. It's a team decision because the team must deal with it later on. The next example would be the development process. Qualtrics hires smart engineers that know different modern management frameworks and trust them to choose the best to fit the assignment. The last thing I want to mention is being a partner for Product Managers. Qualtrics expects engineers to solve business problems alongside them.

What is your top #LifeHack?

Using Evernote optimized for me GTD technique for the last 9 years. It helps me organize and prioritize all projects and tasks. I just use tools I know and optimize them instead of following the latest trends with shiny UI.

Qualtrics is growing, and if you're ready to find your "why" at a place like this, you can explore our open opportunities at any time by visiting our career page. Looking to discover more reasons "Why Qualtrics"? You can find the whole series here.

Want to chat? You can get in touch by checking out Qualtrics Life on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Artur Staszczyk - Manager, Software Engineering - Krakow, Poland Artur is an alumnus of Jagiellonian University and started his career in the game development industry and worked there for a decade. The best game he ever played is "Witcher 3," which he helped create!


Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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