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An incredible career: Áine, Associate Manager, Campaigns

I love working in roles that challenge me, push me outside of my comfort zone, and help me to grow, and that's exactly the reason why I enjoy working at Qualtrics so much. The career progression, not just for myself, but also for my team, has been incredible.

What was the turning point where you knew you 'had to have the job' at Qualtrics?

I remember interviewing with the team at the time, and the passion they had for Qualtrics was infectious. I knew then that I really wanted to be a part of the journey and it has been an amazing experience over the past 4 years!

What is your favourite part of your role?

If you asked me this question 4 years ago, I would have said that the impact I get to have on campaigns is my favourite part of my role. Building a campaign from scratch, working with stakeholders across the business, and seeing the results is so satisfying.

I still love working on the tactical and strategic side of campaigns and analysing the data and metrics, but since I started managing a team, my favourite part of my role now is most definitely seeing my team grow. There is nothing more rewarding for me than empowering people and seeing them progress in their role. 

What’s a favourite moment/memory of your time at Qualtrics so far? Or an impactful moment?

There are too many to count! If you ask anyone at Qualtrics, they will always say that their favourite thing about working here is the people - and it's so true. All of my favourite memories at Qualtrics have one thing in common - hanging out with our fabulous people.

From sipping an ice cold glass of Rosé with the team on a sunny rooftop in our office bar in Dublin (known as Dermots'), enjoying a (very competitive!) game of Pétanque after an offsite in Paris to whale watching off the coast of Seattle; watching in absolute awe as Orcas breached right in front of us (magic!)!

But the most impactful moment was being in the room for our leader, Dermot Costello's life lessons before he sadly passed away from cancer in 2018. During the talk, he shared his 5 lessons on life which I will always remember. You can view the talk here.

Qualtrics is growing, and if you're ready to find your "why" at a place like this, you can explore our open opportunities at any time by visiting our career page or by joining our talent community.

Aine Gilligan is an alumnus of UCD, , and Smurfit Business School and started her career at In the Company of Huskies. She loves to play piano in her spare time.

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Qualtrics Life

Qualtrics Life is nothing more or less than a collection of the stories, experiences, and voices of the people of Qualtrics.

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