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Announcing the Qualtrics Engineering Blog

Today we're excited to announce the launch of the Qualtrics Engineering Blog: "Stacks and Q's".  We will publish new content every two weeks, covering topics from system design to operational excellence. There are two primary goals for the blog:

  1. We would like to share what it's like to work on the Qualtrics Engineering team. We think it's a pretty special place, and given that we're still growing rapidly, we'd love to hire great engineers who will help us solve hard problems and advance our culture.
  2. We would like to share learnings. Over the last two years, we've tripled the engineering team at Qualtrics in response to the underlying business growth and the opportunities we see ahead of us. Along the way, we've learned some hard lessons, and by sharing learnings we hope that other teams who are solving similar challenges can learn from the paths we've chosen or discarded.

To get the blog started, let me start by giving you a little background about me, why I’m at Qualtrics, and the vision I see for the team in the years ahead.

People frequently ask me “Why did you leave Amazon to join Qualtrics?” I answered this question when I joined 18 months ago, but I thought it was worthwhile talking about why I’m still here.

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