Leverage your research every time
Access all your research
in seconds
Research Hub allows you to instantly search through all the research your organisation has ever conducted. Access thousands of your brand studies, product insights, customer feedback, and millions of data points directly on the Qualtrics platform.

Data from all sources
Store and manage all
of your research
Research Hub is versatile and not limited to projects conducted on Qualtrics. You can upload and search various types of research or experience data files, including syndicated studies and licensed research. Once uploaded, these files are easily accessible to any other Research Hub user within your organisation.

2024 Market Research Trends
Advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have dramatically expanded the speed, efficiency, and scale of research capabilities, giving businesses the data they need to make smarter, effective business decisions.
We spoke to more than 3,000 researchers in 14 countries around the world to discover what trends are shaping the year ahead.

Streamlined collaboration
Curate and share insights
with collections
Compile insights into a collection to use as a starting point for your next research project or share it with colleagues to facilitate seamless collaboration across teams. Surface your key insights using various types of widgets such as charts, graphs, PDFs, and more to enhance data visualisation and understanding.

Fast, Precise Insights
Strengthen your narrative
with AI-powered summaries
Extract in-depth insights from all of your research, instantly surfacing key themes and actionable intelligence for quick action. By understanding your intent and the contextual meaning behind your search query, Qualtrics AI provides your most valuable insights. Decrease your overall program costs by reducing your time spent analysing multiple sources of research data.