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The Silent Worker: Unlocking introverted employees

61% of introverted employees believe they have ideas that would improve their organisation. But 55% also believe their organisation doesn’t care about their opinion. In our latest research into the UK workforce, we take a deep dive into why introverts feel left out in the modern workplace – and how companies can make sure every voice is heard.


  • The challenges facing introverted workers – and the impact on your bottom line
    Why introverts feel left behind and how it might be leading to a higher proportion of disengaged employees in your organisation.
  • What introverted workers are looking for in the modern workplace
    The modern workplace is set up to favour extroverts, but here’s how you ensure you engage employees who don’t feel comfortable speaking out.
  • How to ensure all of your employees have a voice
    If you rely on traditional feedback mechanisms, you’ll get a skewed picture of your team’s overall morale and viewpoint. It’s time to think differently…