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4 key things to get right in your digital feedback program

3 min read
Gathering in-journey data is critical to building and managing a world-class customer experience management program. It provides actionable insights into how to fix any issues that may impact conversion or retention

But when engaging in-journey as part of your digital customer experience program, it’s essential to follow some best practice tips to balance positive UX with quality insights. important that you follow some rules of engagement, especially when it comes to balancing a positive UX with quality insights (or you run the risk of your CX engagement itself damaging customer loyalty).

1. Balance active and passive approaches for engagement

Active approaches are where you “intercept” customers, asking for feedback on things like sample rates, behaviour, or customer profile information. They are preferable to get a representative audience within the journey. However, if not done correctly, they can prevent your visitor from reaching their end goal and provide an unwanted hurdle. Passive approaches (e.g. ever-present on the site or app) are easier on UX, and great for identifying pain points on the site, but usually are not representative in nature, as they rely on customer opt-in.

If you can be discreet, and still get the amount of data you need, then you are optimising for UX. However, if you find that you are not getting enough solid input, then turn up the dial on your engagement and move towards a more active approach.

2. Prevent repeated display to avoid bad user experience

Asking for feedback every single time a customer comes to your site or app (for active approaches) is bad practice and can damage user experience. It’s best to start discreet, say a 6 month period where you prevent repeated display, and then based on participation rates, move towards a more indiscreet approach such as a 30-day window. This way, you can find the perfect mix of UX and insight without starting out on the most disruptive foot.

3. Be precise in what you ask

While it may seem like a good idea to ask everything you have on your mind while you have an engaged site visitor that’s willing to talk to you, it is bad practice and can reduce response rates. Focus on the 3-5 most important questions in a journey. Also, with advancements in natural language processing and machine learning, technology can enable more conversational feedback collection that adapts to the customer’s responses. This allows you to ask only the important questions, and gets you more quickly to key insights without annoying your visitors with pointless questions.

4. Talk to the right visitors at the right time

Be sure that you are asking questions to a relevant audience within a relevant journey. Make sure you’ve mapped your various journeys first and understand what the objective is in each one. For example, the goals of a visitor coming to your site for support will be vastly different from those looking to buy, and you’ll want to gather different information in each one.

Find out more about how journey mapping works

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