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Website and App Feedback Tool

Deliver digital experiences that drive business impact

Over 16K brands and 75% of the Fortune 100 use Qualtrics

With Qualtrics CustomerXM for Digital you can collect customer feedback across the entire digital journey, identify experience gaps, and take action that has maximum impact.

Achieve better outcomes with intelligent website and app feedback:

  • Optimize conversion of key moments in the digital journey
  • Improve the effectiveness of digital content
  • Drive usage and uptake of new digital products and services
  • Optimize the in-app experience to improve app store ranking and brand perception

Ready to improve your digital experience?

Turn digital insights into action

Engage the right people, at the right time

Collect customer feedback at key moments from specific customers with intelligent segmentation and advanced targeting.

Surface actionable insights

From product pages on your eCommerce website to mobile apps, SMS and chatbots, easily monitor and surface new insights gathered at every digital touchpoint.

Act on what's important

Use advanced statistics to correlate your customer journey data with satisfaction drivers. Automatically route key drivers and actions to the right teams in the right tools.

Choose how you want to collect feedback

Control the digital feedback experience

Take full control of the user experience without any dependency on IT teams. Drag-and-drop functionalities allow you to easily build, deploy, and modify responsive feedback surveys across web, mobile, and in-app to customize and brand your digital experience.

Intelligent listening

Improve your customer feedback with sophisticated targeting. Ask the right questions at the right time from the right customers based on dozens of behavioral and location-based criteria. Available integrations include Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, and others.

Responsive dialog appearance conditions

Build a full understanding of key moments

Conduct usability testing, visitor intent studies, abandonment studies and post-transaction studies. Take full control over the way you gather feedback to optimize the user experiences delivered.

Predictive intelligence and analytics

Access breakthrough insights with intuitive role-based dashboards and automatically see the actions that will have the biggest impact on the customer experience. With iQ, our predictive intelligence engine, you’ll be able to connect the dots across every customer journey, make predictions about customer behavior and focus on the actions that will make the biggest impact.

Digital customer experience performance dashboard

Optimize your in-app experience

Make it easy for customers to give feedback in the moment without having to leave your app. Use these insights to improve the in-app experience and your app store ranking.

Connect your digital ecosystem

Unlock more insights from your website and app feedback data by leveraging pre-built integrations with dozens of digital experience platforms including Adobe Analytics, Google Analytics, Quantum Metric, FullStory and more.

What are website feedback surveys?

Website feedback surveys are any surveys presented to visitors on your website. These surveys help you build customer profiles, gauge the effects of new pages or experiences and improve website conversion.

When you engage your online visitors with website feedback surveys during important interaction periods, they’re an endless source of highly actionable insights. That’s because website feedback surveys go beyond the quantitative nature of web analytics by providing both a forum for suggestions and a channel for customer insight. You’re also capturing insights in the moment that matters—as your real-life customers are engaging with your product, service, or solution.

Web analytics tools are good for providing the “what’s” behind customer behavior (e.g., traffic paths, time-on-page, product preferences, etc.,) but website feedback surveys provide the “whys” (e.g., through targeted surveys, open-text comment boxes, etc.) Collecting feedback via your website is one of the most effective and scalable ways to optimize your customer experience by connecting website visitors with business owners.

Learn more about collecting website feedback