Minimum viable product: Definition, strategies, and examples
With 4.57 billion active internet users as of July 2020 and around half of the current American workforce working remotely, the opportunity to start an online business couldn’t be bigger. Plus, ther...
By Adam Enfroy
Defining your product's value proposition
Your product might be amazing. But without a succinct value proposition, your customers may never know why. Even worse, the wrong value proposition can confuse or mislead prospects who may desperately...
By Adam Enfroy
5 Common errors in the research process
Designing a research project takes time, skill and knowledge. If you don’t go into the process with a clear goal and methods, you’ll likely come out with skewed data or an inaccurate picture of wh...
By Qualtrics
Forrester Study: Economic Impact of Qualtrics CustomerXM
Experience management from Qualtrics isn’t just a good strategic decision. It’s an excellent financial decision. In a Qualtrics-commissioned Total Economic Impact™ study (TEI), Forrester Consult...
By Catherine Thurtle
Product and pricing research — how conjoint analysis takes the guesswork out of product development
Imagine a life with unlimited resources to build the next ‘must-have’ product or develop your latest upgrade. Or one in which the cost of materials or development had no interconnection with the p...
By Amy Bates
Crate & Barrel on experience gaps: why they occur and how to close them
Experience gaps occur when a brand fails to meet expectations at any point along the customer journey. It could be a big brand disaster: “I didn’t expect the shop assistant to kick me in the sh...
By Jared Gardner
Van Westendorp pricing explained for 2022
The Van Westendorp pricing model can help you gauge what respondents are really willing to pay for an item – and how to set a price range for a real-world market. Researching prices is not straight...
By Jack Davies
Customer Segmentation to Increase Revenue: Examples from Best Buy, Mercedes Benz, and AMEX
When Michael Dell, founder of Dell computers, was 16, he sold subscriptions for a local newspaper in Houston. He figured out that two demographics bought newspapers more than others: those who just pu...
By Ben Rogers
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