Developing employee personas to improve the workplace experience
Employee personas are becoming increasingly popular as organizations look to their HR teams to drive growth by designing employee experiences that improve engagement, productivity and retention. Find ...
By Jack Davies
10 ways to improve employee experience at your company
Companies today can’t get by with just offering basic benefits like PTO and health insurance, they must go above and beyond and provide employees with an exemplary experience in the workplace. The e...
By Diana Kaemingk
Crate & Barrel on experience gaps: why they occur and how to close them
Experience gaps occur when a brand fails to meet expectations at any point along the customer journey. It could be a big brand disaster: “I didn’t expect the shop assistant to kick me in the sh...
By Jared Gardner
Why HR ‘doing things differently’ is the norm at Patagonia
Patagonia is ‘a cause, disguised as a company’ according to CHRO Dean Carter. In our new HR Visionaries series, he explores what makes the employee experience at Patagonia unique and explains why ...
By Jack Davies
Employee feedback: how to drive accountability and action
Employee feedback surveys are like gym memberships ...A simple but accurate analogy. Organizations can collect all the employee feedback they want from their employees but unless they communi...
By Benjamin Granger
How to label response scale points in your survey to avoid misdirecting respondents
Have you ever been following navigation instructions while driving and wished that an instruction or street sign would’ve been more clear or specific? Maybe you couldn’t tell in time which lane le...
By Dave Vannette
Survey Straightlining: What is it? How can it hurt you? And how to protect against it.
Straightlining. It’s the bane of survey writers. It happens when your respondents rush through your survey clicking on the same response every time and it’s a serious threat to data quality. Mo...
By Dave Vannette
6 Key Steps for Designing an Effective 360 Degree Feedback Program
HR experts know that traditional performance management can be controversial and a little tricky to incorporate in the workplace. In fact, many HR gurus believe that traditional performance management...
By Rachel Barker
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