Author Bio
Qualtrics, the leader and creator of the experience management category, is a cloud-native software platform that empowers organizations to deliver exceptional experiences and build deep relationships with their customers and employees.
With insights from Qualtrics, organizations can identify and resolve the greatest friction points in their business, retain and engage top talent, and bring the right products and services to market. Nearly 20,000 organizations around the world use Qualtrics’ advanced AI to listen, understand, and take action. Qualtrics uses its vast universe of experience data to form the largest database of human sentiment in the world. Qualtrics is co-headquartered in Provo, Utah and Seattle.
Articles attributed to Qualtrics
Why your leaders will leave in 2022 — and what you can do about it
A leadership exodus is coming. Learn why senior leaders – and female senior leaders, in particular – are leaving and what actions your organization can take now to retain your leadership talent. ...
By Qualtrics
Navigating PII, PHI, HIPAA and COVID Workforce Vaccination & Testing Requirements
With the new executive mandate enforcing COVID-19 workforce vaccination and testing requirements for many businesses across the US, how can you ensure compliance while also navigating PHI, PII, and HI...
By Qualtrics
Top Executives Expect to Spend More to Meet Rising Customer and Employee Demands
In the midst of the pandemic and ongoing labor shortage, C-Suite executives say customers and employees will become more demanding in the coming months, and spending will increase around technology, h...
By Qualtrics
EX25: The next generation of employee engagement
Employee surveys have been in use since the 1970s when they focused on gauging people’s satisfaction with things like pay rate, schedule, and office space. As the decades passed, companies began to ...
By Qualtrics
How one of Asia’s leading communications technology companies is rethinking the employee experience
Steve Bennetts, EX Solutions & Strategy Like every organization across the world right now, Singtel - one of Asia’s leading communications technology companies - in designing new wo...
By Qualtrics
Certified Questions: Expert-designed, more reliable results
Certified Questions prepare organizations to be inclusive and exhaustive, without exhausting your targeted audience. In the world of research, it has become imperative that we capture the right voi...
By Qualtrics
Here’s what leaders should know before designing the workplace of the future
More than a year ago, we commandeered couches and erected office nooks in our bedrooms as we hunkered down to work from home for what (we assumed) would be a few months, at the most. Now, many of us a...
By Qualtrics
Meet our powerful experience design tool - DesignXM
As organizations around the world look to re-think the experiences they deliver moving forward, we’re excited to announce DesignXM — a powerful new research and testing engine for experience desig...
By Qualtrics
The role of choice architecture in designing experiences
Learn more about the history of choice architecture, the six key elements that make it up, and how you can apply choice architecture to design better experiences for your customers, employees, and oth...
By Qualtrics
How our phones affect our work-life balance
When the pandemic hit, many of us were suddenly asked to merge our work space and our personal space into one — but not just physically. As we (literally) brought our work home with us, it became mo...
By Google, Qualtrics
Nebraska Medicine: Using Qualtrics to listen, improve, and engage
“Engagement is a point in time metric,” explains Brian Jefferis, Talent Management Senior Analyst, Nebraska Medicine. “There’s a short lifespan – or half-life – for engagement data as it r...
By Qualtrics
QR codes for exceptional in-store customer experience
2020 certainly delivered some surprises. One was the resurrection of the QR code, which went from being a quaint-but-clunky marketing device in the early 2000s to a slick, touchless solution, invaluab...
By Qualtrics
What is experience design?
How can you put people at the heart of your design decisions to elicit an emotional response about your products, services, brand, or workplace? Our guide to experience design will help you understand...
By Qualtrics
How to reduce bias in interviews
Hiring the best people for your organization requires removing bias from your interviews. Find out what they are, why it's important, and how to do it at every touchpoint. At every step of the cand...
By Qualtrics
5 must-read market research books
Our list of the top books for market researchers and business leaders is in! We searched high and low to find the best books on market research - check out some of our favorites and see our full list ...
By Qualtrics